Straight from the galaxy of Altaria, from the planet Trumpus, SuperTrump came to save the world from the clutches of cosmic villainy! With extraordinary powers like super strength, x-ray vision, and a unique ability to make any challenge look like a landslide victory, he is the true embodiment of justice. Armed with unwavering conviction and unbeatable charisma, SuperTrump fights to ensure that truth prevails, whether in business or in battle against intergalactic villains. Get ready to witness his epic journey and experience the power of SuperTrump!

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Super Trump Token

Name: Super Trump Token

Symbol: STT

Supply: 10 Million

Team: 12%

Marketing: 15%

Liquidity: 63%

Start LP: 10 Sol

Liquidity burned after launch.

Launch on Raydium DEX.


Phase 1:

Website Creation, Platform Development

Phase 2:

Community Engagement and Growth

Phase 3:

Token Launch on Raydium DEX

Phase 4:

Aggressive Marketing and Influencer Partnerships

Phase 5:

Community Promotions, Contests, and Airdrops

Phase 6:

Listing at Top of Dexscreener

Super Trump Token Solana
A memecoin killer communism!

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